Monday, April 19, 2021

How To Lose Weight On Abilify Reddit

Hi there i was on abilify for 3 years i also gained 30 lbs i excercized regularly and ate healthy no matter what i did i could not lose weight i was only on 2 mg and then 5mg i thought how could this tiny pill do this yes abilify helped me but i went from a size 4 to a size 10 i've been off abilify for a year and lost 30 lbs. How to lose weight on abilify reddit. No one can tell you how long because you're a unique individual and people lose weight at different rates go to mentalhealthdaily dot com and search for 'abilify withdrawal' it has a good write up of the effects of going off abilify or simply put "abilfy withdrawal' in your search engine and pick out the article by mentalhealthdaily.

how to lose weight on abilify reddit

more info how to lose weight on abilify reddit ---> click here


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