Monday, March 1, 2021

How To Lose Weight While On Steroid Medication

Prednisone can provide much-needed relief for conditions like severe allergies, arthritis, or asthma but prednisone can also cause you to gain weight, fast due to an increase in appetite or water retention even though you can't control. How to lose weight while on steroid medication. Prednisone is the generic name for a drug prescribed to treat and prevent inflammation 1 among the side effects of prednisone, rapid weight gain is very common 1 2when taking prednisone, it is important to lose the gained weight in a safe, healthy manner by making some basic lifestyle changes 1 the lifestyle changes are the same for basic weight loss, including changing your diet and adding.

how to lose weight while on steroid medication

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Although i discovered that prednisone complicates control of blood glucose levels, i also discovered that, with care, weight gain can be controlled while on prednisone patient encouragement from suzy and alison saw me gradually taking control of my own destiny. While prednisone is not a stimulant, it can make you feel more alert or jittery. “it doesn’t really interrupt sleep, but some patients find it keeps them awake when they don’t want to be. Prednisone side effects, including weight gain, are dose-dependent, according to a 2009 study in annals of the rheumatic diseases. although any dose could potentially cause weight gain, doses of 5 mg or more per day were most likely to cause an increase in weight..

more info how to lose weight while on steroid medication ---> click here


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